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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Throw Your Arms Up for POWERADE

This is me about 200 yeards from the finish line of my marathon. Notice the exhausted face? The legs that want to break off and go lie in a ditch somewhere? This people, is sort of how I feel right now.
Today was way better than yesterday; my track workout was super awesome, I had a delicious lunch that involved, you guessed it, a PB&J (technically, a PB&AB&A, aka peanut butter apple butter apple sandwich. Try it. Your life will be changed), and a ridiculous session on the elliptical in the afternoon that left my legs with that awful "parched" feeling in my muscles that means I should probably be chugging massive amounts of Powerade right now.
  Powerade? you ask? Well readers, I guess I should mention now that I am on a blood-pressure dieuretic to treat an unrelated condition (I don't have high blood pressure; on the contrary, I have what I consider bragging-rights BP: 100/50 ish), and because my dosage is really high and I sweat more than every man you have ever met (seriously. When I get back from a morning run and go upstairs to chat with my Mom while she reads the paper, she cringes a little at my general soppiness. It's okay, though; her cringing reminds me that I am probably just used to the sweat covering ever part of my body and that I should probably go shower so I don't freak out the dog), I have to really watch my salt intake. Except I am also really bad about this; Powerade is a bit strong for me sometimes, so I dilute it with water; this kind of cancels out its effects however, hence the parched feelings in my legs even though I had some of the purple goop this morning in my water bottle.
    Here was the workout for this morning:
2 mile warm-up with pickups
2x5 minutes at 7:55 pace with 2 minute EZ in between
2x3x2 minutes at 7:30 pace with 1 minute EZ in between
2 mile cool down.
 It felt AWESOME! It totally recharged my psyche (I sound like a nerd for saying that) and I felt totally ready to conquer my day and ignore the fact that the girl in my Spanish class was wearing the sweatshirt of the school that I got a you-sort-of-got-rejected-but-not-really from. The only way this day could possibly get better is...

They are the only ice-cream type place that I know of that has no-sugar added stuff for us insulin-resitant folk. White Macadamian Nut=best.flavor.everrrrrr.
   However, it is windier than Chicago outside right now and I am afraid my power is going to go out so I think it best to huddle inside with some rice pudding, my entire fridge full of fruit (frozen fruit is a godsend in the winter. Anyone else agree? Plus, blackberries are way cheaper in the frozen section), and watch some FOOD NETWORK. After I do my Stat homework, that is....

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