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Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding, Stat Tests, and Swim Practice

So who watched the Royal Wedding?? Not this kid...
  I was actually really sad that I was going to miss it, but pre-race sleep> watching Kate steal the man of my dreams (not... I actually like Harry more. Ginger love.). Instead, I got up at 5:30, slurped down some oatmeal, and scooted my butt over to swim practice... only to have the coach not be there. WHAT. YOU ARE SAYING I COULD HAVE STAYED HOME AND EATEN OATMEAL ON THE COUCH WITH A BLANKET IN MY PJ's WHILE WATCHING WILLY AND KATE TIE THE KNOT?!?!?
No rotation. FAIL.
  After I got over the .5 seconds of rage, I actually enjoyed swim practice. I told the other coach to take it easy on my since I have my 13.1 tomorrow, so I did mostly skills-based stuff and realized ohhh heyy I forgot how to swim since I stopped swim team at age 10. Rotating for each stroke? Forgot. Hip placement? Huh? Seems that for the next couple weeks, I will repeat swim seasons 1-4 of my life and re-learn how to swim like a normal person instead of a flailing mad-woman. How did I even swim 100 on Wednesday?!?! HOW.

And now, I am off to make a delicious tortilla-egg thing with lots of salsa because for once I am actually home for lunch! Plus, I still have to pack...  Countdown to I2I Half Marathon= 21 hours. GET PUMPED.

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