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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Power Yoga=Power Ow-ga

     There is nothing like waking up to your first day after vacation, realizing you have slept through your alarm, grabbing all your stuff and getting in the car to go to the gym because you slept through Masters Swim practice, only to realize you have lost your phone, run back in the house frantically searching for it, break down crying because your hip hurts, have your parents help you tear up the house so you can find said phone, cry some more, be handed your phone by your wonderful mother who found it under your pool towel on your car seat, and not get a shower because it was one of those mornings when hygiene took the back seat. Yuck.

 Thankfully, my wonderful parents calmed me down, helped me see how cookoo-bananas I was being, and reminded me not to walk out of the house in my PJs, which I actually probably would have done.
        After talking to them, contemplation over our conversation continued throughout the day, mostly in Econ because that is my "homework" class where I ignore the teacher's incessant ramblings and instead do other homework/look at stuff on my Wifi. I realized  part of the reason for my breakdown, other than my hip, is feeling tethered to running. For so long I ran because I truly loved it; last summer I would get up, run an easy 8 either outside or at the gym while the World Cup was on, and feel refreshed and invigorated. Ever since I got a coach, though, my running has started to feel more like a chore than a love. The 50 mile weeks I was doing for fun turned into drudgery, and I began waking up in the morning dreading getting on the treadmill.
   After Saturday's half, I have decided to re-vamp the running schedule. No more mileage markers, no more set workouts, nada. I am running when and where I feel like it. I am sick of getting up dreading my workout. My goal is to have fun being sweaty again! I'll do weights when I want to, tempos when I feel like it, long runs when my legs tell me to do so, and spin when my body craves it. I already started today- did weights for an hour while watching The Hills (officially re-addicted to that show), then did an hour and a half of pilates and yoga, since the hip was saying NO WAY to running. Exercise is what I love, and I don't want to turn it into something I hate.

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