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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sugar-Free Candy Obsession and Awkward Moments at Walgreens

I think I might be obsessed with these...
Today was an easy day, workout wise: 6.12 miles in the morning at 8:27 pace with minutes 1% incline followed by 1 minute 2% incline, then an hour of a bike speed workout in the evening and the fastest arm/ab workout in history (I really had to pee, and was also really hungry, so I tried to scootch outta there as fast as possible).
   My legs feel wayyy better than yesterday, and have that wonderful residual soreness you get from a good, hard effort. Only problem was that I was a sleepy, exhausted girl by about 9:30 last night and basically conked out as soon as my head hit the pillow, which meant that I may have cut my stretching routine short... and now my calves are paying for it!
    So, onto today's topics. Since my camera is being a bozo and won't let me upload my pictures, I have resorted to google images for the next few days' blog pics. Werthers, you ask? I had never tried this candy before, but while grocery shopping over the weekend, I went on a sugar-free product-buying rampage and bought those along with Sugar-free maple syrup and Sugar-free chocolate sauce (syrup=delicious. chocolate sauce=horrendous). After eating like 5 in an hour, I quickly realized SUGAR FREE CARAMEL IS THE BOMB. I get seriously excited when I find this kind of stuff; you don't know how woeful it is to go from a life of desserts and chocolate to having to watch your sugar intake... zero fun. These things are now a total vice, and the coffee flavor is like heaven in a small, aluminum package.

Awkward Walgreens Experience: I go to buy tampons and pads, am waiting patiently in line and secretly jumping for joy that the checkout person is a girl and won't look at me funny for being in Walgreens at 8 o'clock buying feminine products in my pajamas, when I see the guy in front of me, who is paying for his purchases, eyeing me and my box of 45 Tampax Regulars. I quickly realize that HOLY POOOP IT'S THE FATHER OF MY BEST FRIEND FROM SEVENTH GRADE. Super. Awkward. We don't exchange any words, just another awkward glance, but I started laughing to myself at the hilarity of the situation. I probably looked like a loon, too, especially after I walked out of the store and literally burst out laughing, by myself in a suburban parking lot.

  In other news, I have a race on Sunday! A 5k, which you know I hate, but after talking to Coach SuperWoman, we decided we'd turn it into a tempo run and focus on negative mile splits and sprinting to the finish, something I am sure will be easy considering my college counselor is volunteering at the finish line!!!  Off to bed now. Oh yeah, IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW AGAIN. I am really liking these snow days. I get to sleep in between workouts and watch Paula Deen to my heart's content.

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