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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Have You Had Your Quickie Today?

 So, for the record, helping a friend move totally counts as a workout. Yesterday I helped my friend move out of his apartment, and HOLY HELL were his dressers heavy. I started sweating the moment we picked up the first piece of furniture, and I can't even blame the ridiculously humid weather outside, because his AC was on full-blast.
    What's the title about? Well, we had to drive to Goodwill 3 times to drop off all of his furniture since his new place is fully furnished, and each time we drove to the drop-off center, we passed a Brick Bodies with a sign outside that read "Have you had your quickie today?" We both giggled and I thought to myself that technically yes, I had, since I went to the gym yesterday morning and had the sweatiest elliptical + strength training session in the history of the YMCA. My sneakers were squeaking by the end from conatact with puddles of my sweat...TMI?
     In other news, I feel like I totally fell off the workout wagon. The last two weeks have been so hectic, with me geting ready for school, going to school, leaving school, moving back in at home, etc. My training hours totalled have been less than 14 lately for the whole week, and while I had a GREAT 6-mile tempo run the other night, I am afraid I am losing running shape. Each morning I wake up craving a run, but something always gets in the way- today it was an interview, yesterday it was the moving, Monday it was work... I know the next few weeks will be a lot more free, but it's frustrating knowing that my mileage is the lowest it has been since my sophomore year of high school...yikes!

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