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Monday, January 31, 2011

Blehhh Track Workout

This is roughly how I feel about my track workout tomorrow. Skeptical, slightly confused, and basically in a "I am going to put my hands on my hips and say nanana-foo-foo" kind of mood.

This is my feeling basically every Monday when I am packing my stuff up to head to the gym and I realize that tomorrow I have some form of torture awaiting me in the form of 400's. I HATE sprinting; I think this is a feeling stemming from my days on track& field when I always felt like I was going to barf during workouts and races. I love running fast, don't misunderstand me- it's just the running REALLY REALLY fast for a short period of time that I am not so fond of (this is probably why I run distance races...) So, while I was doing my lovely morning 6-miler, (which rocked!!!) there was that nawing sensation in the back of my head telling me that I am really going to be hurting tomorrow. I am trying to more optimistic about these workouts and tell myself I am a SuperWoman marathoner who can do anything, but inevitably, looking at my coach's prescription of 3x 3x400 @ 1:35-1:41 pace with 200 in between 400 and 400 in between sets with 2 mile warm up and cool down, I still feel the sense of dread.
   I think I'll go zone out on the bike and elliptical for an hour and a half or so and try not to freak out about it. Am I alone in my anxiety over the track?

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