It's no secret that lately all of my runs have been done to the sounds of club dance music and extremely explicit rap. Today's running music however, was ESPECIALLY awesome. The mix was a classic blend of Lil Wayne, Drake, Dev, and Blink 182, so of course my pace was outta-sight fast, and the weather could not have been more perfect.
The one problem? I want to go farther faster sooner. I know I need to build my mileage up again slowly, but with all my cardiovascular endurance from the triathlon training, these 4 miles runs are just feeling too easy!
I am considering making a bit more of a mileage jump- nothing major, but definitely more than the usual 10% that most running plans call for. Though I haven't been running as much in the last month, I have still been doing a lot of training, especially with intervals, and I feel like these 25-30 mile weeks aren't really on-par, intensity-wise, with what I have been doing.
Plus, now that it is fall here and the weather has (finally!) cooled down, it is perfect weather for hitting the pavement. Normally, I am not a morning runner, but lately I have really been looking forward to getting up early and lacing up the Mizunos for a quick 4 mile jaunt. I just wish it were 5 miles. or 6. or 10.
And swimming..? I skipped it this morning. I got the workout and plan on doing it tomorrow, but when I woke up at 5:30 this morning after a mere 4 hours of restless sleep, I could barely peel my eyes open enough to turn the light on. Usually my lovely little reading lamp wakes me up enough to realize OH HEY GET READY, but today, not even a 60 watt bulb could wake me from my state. I texted my Coach to tell him I wouldn't be there, asked for the set, and hit the pillow again for another 3.5 hours. Which did absolutely nothing for my energy level and I still *had* to take a nap at 3:00. As much as I love napping, it'd be nice to once in a blue moon not have to take a mid-afternoon siesta to get me through my day. After all, that ain't gonna fly come January when this chick goes back to school.
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