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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Knots and Nuts

   So this morning I was greeting with a rumbling tummy and a SUPERTIGHT left IT band. It is official: I.Can't.Do.Flat.Courses. Not only are they boring as all get-out, but they are really hard on my joints. There is no reprieve from the pounding that downhills and inclines can offer, which also means there is no chance for me to chick people up the hills, which happens to be one of my favorite things to do in races. Not that I am competitve or anything....

   Coach SuperW had me down for an hour long, hilly ride today, and I really wanted to get out on my Trek Lexa to
a. get acquainted with the beautiful piece of machinery and
b. enjoy some more Vitamin D, since I obviously did not get enough during the 8 hours I spent outside yesterday. I did the actual ride on the spin bike, since I wasn't sure how competent I would be on the outside ride and wanted to make sure I got the workout in, but then I got another 30 or 40 minutes outside with my Dad. IT.WAS.AWESOME.Well, lies actually, since the first 10 minutes sucked as I had to become accustomed to braking with my hand brakes, not my foot pedals, and had to remember how to turn. But once that happened, IT.WAS.AWESOME. I am still getting used to gear shifting, but man, I LOVE CYCLING. Going fast, powering up hills, and being able to actually feel a breeze in the 85 degree weather while doing it?! Sign me up!
    Going up the inclines was definitely my favorite part, second only to flying back down them. I am now definitely set in my decision to join the Cycling club once I get to school. I just need to get some padded cycling shorts first because Oh. Boy. will I be sore after those 60 mile rides.
   Other workouts today included cleaning most of the second floor of our house, swimming 3000 short-course yds because the Y lies about the distance of their lap lanes, and some core work. My shoulders are now sore, as is my back from my late-night core workout yesterday (No excuses. If I'm up, and it ain't done, you can bet your bottom dollar I am doing ab circles with my medicine ball while watching Failure to Launch), and I think I am going to pretend the dishes aren't waiting for me in the sink so I can go upstairs and collapse into my nice, freshly-laundered sheets. And then wake up and enjoy my FIRST DAY OF HIGH-SCHOOL FREE EXISTENCE.

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